Dr. Franco Lisi
Deputy President of Milan Blind Associaton; Chief of Computer center of the Blind Institute, Milan
Accessibility, how many meanings: one, no one, one hundred thousand?

The speech offers some reflections on the different meanings that are commonly attributed to the concept of accessibility, in addition to its many forms. The report, beginning with the most significant theoretical and normative references, highlights concrete elements taken also from the experience of life of the speaker. Blind, representative of many commissions for the autonomy of persons with visual impairment within the association, Lisi carries on his professional activity at the Institute of the Blind of Milan.
He is responsible for the design, development and promotion of many projects to promote social integration of blind people through the removal of architectural and cultural barriers, both outdoor (squares, streets, parks, sports centers, etc.) and indoor (public buildings, hospitals, schools, companies, etc.). The technological element assumes, in this perspective, a growing role, often revealing unimaginable situations and responses, resulting in an amazing quality leap. Researchers and insiders keep the hard task of being able to turn change into progress: to be able to grasp the really significant aspects that would lead to concrete solutions useful for the independent life of the blind people
Franco Lisi has a Degree in Sociology; and in Political Science; a Diploma as Coach for personal growth and management and a Diploma as Electronic Programmer;. He is Vice President of the Italian Chamber Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Milan; Regional Director of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Lombardy, Representative of the Regional Council dell’UICI within the FAND Regional; Referent for the Regional Commission for autonomy; Member of the Management Committee of the Regional Fund for Employment of the Disabled and Regional director of IRIFOR. He is now working as Head of the Computer Centre of the Institute of the Blind of Milan, Italy.