Fondation St Luc, Haiti.

As a third world country, Haiti faces a lot of challenges. Improvements must be made in the areas of education, health care and socio-economic equality.
In 2010, the earthquake devastated much of the country’s healthcare infrastructure. St. Luke Foundation for Haiti and the Andrea Bocelli Foundation (ABF) have made it their mission to confront Haiti’s challenges and to save lives through education, healthcare, and service to others. While Haiti has seen marked reduction in child malnutrition in recent years, there is still much progress to be made. Childhood malnutrition and food insecurity negatively affect physical growth, immune system development, and cognitive function, leading to long term impacts on overall health. St. Luke Foundation and ABF work to address problems of malnutrition through meal programs in their schools and sustainable agricultural support for local farmers. Dr. Beaubrun will present on the foundations’ mission and his experience in the field of nutrition action: projects based on nutrition and health action, agriculture action, HIV treatment and prevention, and distribution of food kits for HIV patients.
Gerald Beaubrun was born and raised in Haiti and is a practicing General Physician. He has worked at St. Luke Family Hospital as a volunteer since August 2014. Gerald also collaborates with the three St. Luke Foundation schools that ABF adopted on the medical insurance project and nutrition services offered. He graduated from medical school at the Universidad Central del Este (UCE) in the Dominican Republic. He is an experienced physician in the field and has worked in disaster relief, mobile clinics, and hospital settings.
He worked with an NGO, Experiencia Dominicana, from 2008 to 2012 as a Sub-director and Manager to plan, organize, and realize projects. He also coordinated educational support for young people and collaborated with the Sisters of Scalabrianas on a migration project for Haitian immigrants living in the Dominican Republic.